Thursday, November 30, 2006

Polonium 210. Huh?

P/S - Hi! I'm back after being away with no and/or very expensive internet connection for about 2 weeks. Felt so handicapped...
P/S - Pic taken admist my solitude onboard of cruise along Strait of Malacca.

I have learned a new term a few days ago.

Polonium 210 is a radioactive element usually used a trigger for a nuclear bomb. The smallest traces of this toxic poison would render major organ failures and thus death within hours upon consumption or being exposed to it. Can you be exposed to it? Yes, if you are very near to it or exposed to faeces, perspiration, saliva of the victim.

How did I get to know this?
An ex-Russian spy was killed by consuming Polonium 210 as reported over BBC on Saturday 25 Nov 2006. A first such murder in UK and possibly in many civilised worlds. It is alleged that he has been assassinated by Kremlin.

Why do I care?
I am saddened that the world has taken another step, backward.

For the first time in recent years, radioactive materials have been exposed to civilian population.

Imagine the disaster of London being exposed to a dirty bomb!!!


Anonymous said...

very good hor, playing while we are slogging.

Anonymous said...

Hey, why you tend to think in the way of formal propaganda?
Why you think that guy was spy? in fact he was just officer of internal affairs dept in KGB
Why you think he was poisoned/killed instead he just tried to smuggle this Polonium to sell for cash? in fact what former KGB officer (if he dont have secrets to sell) can do in very expensive country as UK? how he can earn money? By the way do you know that he was converted to be Muslim before that accident? And his tycoon friend has bad records of subsidizing Al Kaida wing in Chechnia? Try to guess for what he was trying to bring this Polonium? And to whom?

So, please dont think in the way as propaganda dictate you. Try to go out of the box. Remember if large size thief flee from Russian, he will go where? try to guess? perhaps UK right? and then, he will be in what? in exhale, protected from extradition by UK gov.. I know all that is far away from Asian life, but dont be brain washed :o)

Edgar Wong said...

Hi Anonymous :),

Thank you, comrafe for giving us an alternative view to the incident.

I guess I am more concerned with the availability of the radioactive materials in a civilian environment.