Thursday, August 30, 2007

Legal definitions or legal loopholes?

** The following may be deemed not suitable for children. Please read on at your own risk.**

  • It was reported in Singapore's newspapers recently that a man was caught outraging the modesty of a woman when he grabbed a woman's breasts from behind. He tried to defend himself in Court, through his lawyer, against the charge by saying that a woman's breasts are NOT private parts.
  • A senator (I think) in US was charged with disorderly act in the toilet. The media's use of words to describe the act is very interesting. "He was caught in the act as what most people would generally deemed as asking for sex." (something like that la. can't remember exact quote.)
  • Remember the Clinton-Lewinski saga. The government spent hours after hours debating whether to impeach Clinton on the issues of whether there was sex and secondly, define oral sex.

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