Wednesday, January 31, 2007

ERP to go up by 50cts!!!

A friend reminded on the headline today at BT, "Major law firms raise charges, salaries."

But I wonder how many people work in law firms and for that matter, in major law firms to benefit from that salary increase.

"ERP to go up by 50cts" - While it did not make the headline, this certainly has a bigger impact on the larger population. The many thousands private vehicles, taxis and delivery vans will be TAXED more every day. Will this add further pressure to costs of running a business here and cost of living for a human being in Singapore? Do you know you just have another pay cut?

Why the increase? The worsening traffice situation.
Why the worsening situation? People are buying cars like nobody's business. COE and car prices are so low and people got jobs. Almost everybody can buy a car these days.

The government has relaxed its policy on car ownership but has tightened its belt on using the car that you own.

But is it a solution to raise the ERP rates to solve the problem?

These are man-made problems. What man can do, man can undo.

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