Monday, August 31, 2009

"I walk faster... "

a new world in the making

"I find myself walking faster upon my return from Hong Kong," so says a friend who has just return home from holidays.

I thought that was an interesting description. While I have been to Hong Kong for both work and pleasure on many occassions, I would often just give the boring line "Hong Kong's pace of life is faster... you can feel the energy there... people there are always on a lookout for opportunity to make money... "

In a two-hour conversation I had with an ex-Mainland Chinese who has taken up Singapore citizenship, I notice a significant level of energy and positivism in her. Despite the fact that she is holding a more than credible job now, she does not hesitate to talk about opportunities as a stockbroker, property agent etc etc. She illustrated to me that she is very meticulous and focus in moving up. Her feeling of being discriminated as a Mainland Chinese made her work harder and smarter.

When I tried to lighten her enthusiasm for property agency with news on recent lull in transactions just 6-9 months ago, she said she is very confident she would have some deals to work on and one must stay positive.

My 3rd story along this theme was about my colleague, a girl in mid twenties. We were on assignment in KL. She said this to me, "I don't know how to cross the road without the traffic light."

Final words - The above stories reinforce my belief that young people in their early career path should seek job opportunities that would allow them to travel or work in a foreign environment. The world outside Singapore is very different. For better or for worse.

Get out of our shell and experience that to get the best out of you!

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