Thursday, August 28, 2008

M1, I will be breaking up with you on Sunday...

Dear M1,

We have been together since Feb 2, 2007 as I signed up with your Mobile Internet Service. It was a pioneering move by goodself in those days.

Despite what others say about your reliability (or the lack of it), my experience with you has been mutually rewarding.

I have been paying you $38.72 per month for the last 18 months and you have given me the freedom to operate from everywhere, anywhere and anytime.

Things could have continue like this until you started to court new customers with all the goodies and discounts while ignoring loyal customers like me. I began to ask myself why am I paying $38++ while others are paying half albeit the need to sign a contract for 24 months. Isn't our relationship beyond the need to sign a contract for me to commit to you?

Perhaps we have taken each other for granted.

Good bye for now, my dear. Wish you well.

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