Thursday, July 24, 2008

smsed an old friend

i like the art

When you check in on an old friend whom you have not talked to or seen for quite some time by sms, what are the usual responses that you may get?

"the same old shit...", "the usual... ", "still surviving.. in this crap life" etc etc along these lines.

But when I sent a sms to a friend who is still flying with SQ after more than 10 years, this is what I got from her.

"Hi! Long time no hear from you! Thanks for the sms! All is well, I hope? I'm in Zurich right now, with the cows in the alps :o) Take care!"

Moral of the Story
We need to get a life. Well... the cows at the Alps are so blessed to have her around. For the many of us in Singapore, there is nothing exciting we can say about we are doing this weekend. As I have told many friends of mine, if I can press "RESTART" on my working life, I would have taken a job that would allow me to fly even more. (actually I got to fly about in my early working years) Be'cos once you grow older, other priorities will take precedence.

Why the need to travel? We need to have a BIGGER perspective of life.

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