Tuesday, October 02, 2007

one family unbroken

up and on

my school n the moon

the water that flows thru' the village

On Saturday night last, I attended the old boys' (yes, old) dinner at my alma mater.

We were all there to celebrate our boyhood lost forever. At least, I was. Some were as old as the school.. Some are very famous, or prominent, or rich, or still young etc etc. I think one came in his taxi.. For me, I guess I am pretty much in between everything. I am neither rich, famous, poor, old nor young.

One of us even came with the old school books. We were looking at the goondoo pictures of ourselves and teachers; and reminiscing about our stupid pranks, detention class, yellowed school shoes etc etc.

The most cherished moment of the nite was when my friend, of more than 20 years, related this story to me.

"My younger brother scolded my mum." he said. "Huh?" said I.

"He said my mum sent him to the wrong school, RI. She should have sent him to St. Andrew's too." he said. "Why?" said I.

His younger brother envies him for the many friends that his elder brother still have around him despite the years.

Peace overwhelmed me. Amen.

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