Monday, June 11, 2007

My first time - episode 1 :)

Hi friends,

On Jun 1, 2007, I received the following email from a person who looked like an ex-student of mine. Let us call this person, Aesop.

"Your Friend Aesop has invited you to be his contact on Multiply.
Multiply is a web site that makes it easy to share photos, blogs, videos and more with the people you know. Aesop is using Multiply to keep in touch with friends and family and she wants to include you.

Accept Aesop's invitation or learn more about Multiply:

Personal message from Aesop:
Check out my Blog... Its "Everything with Aesop". I have so far "Nonense with Aesop; Business with Aesop; Politics with Aesop; Comics with Aesop". Enjoy your time there and Have great fun!"

Do you notice the remarkable similarity with how he named her blogs? Well I thought his/her attempt to "emulate" Edgar would be the best compliments he could give me. I gave no further brain cells to it...

Today, 10 days later, I received another invitation to join her Multiply's network. I was flabbergasted at what I saw!

Look out for my next posting tomorrow!!!!
P/S - He/She/his/her are purposely confused as I am not sure whether he is a she or she is a he.

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