Monday, April 23, 2007

What does this mean?

For those uninitiated, here is a collection box placed on public land for residents to deposit recyclable items in return for nothing.
  • I observed that we do have many people who understand recycling effort.
  • They are also willing to give away those items for free. Not sure whether they know the proceeds from disposing those items benefit a private company with profit maximisation motive.
  • The karang guni men and women are more than willing to pay you some pennies for the stuff but yet you are willing to give them away for free.
  • Do you notice who are the people collecting the stuff from the boxes?
  • Given the picture of a mess at the box, is it due to scheduling problem in clearing the boxes regularly OR is it due to enthusiatic people filling the boxes faster than they are being cleared?
Can you try to explain this phenomenon?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We are doing our best to be a good citizen by throwing our unwanted into the rubbish bins but there are not enough bins provided and so the convenience of dumping it there.