Monday, April 09, 2007

Bus lane woes...

Some bus lanes have gone off-limit to all other vehicles except SBS/MRT buses in recent times.

Why is it necessary? An effort to ensure the uninterrupted movement of these buses and thus encouraging them to be timely for the thousands of commuters.

Is it fair? It is certainly fair for the thousands of commuters. BUT the alternate view from the other road users - Are we privatising one-third or one-quarter of certain important roads for the benefit of public listed companies with profit motives for their respective shareholders?

We could get summon for straying into the bus lanes

P/S - Can someone send me a pic of the bus lane for this posting, pls?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now that lanes/road are limited for the benefit of non-driving users, and public listed bus companies, should our road tax also be adjusted????