Tuesday, October 31, 2006

If I were a woman...

...I will stand up for my "toileting" right.

If you visit shopping malls, exhibitions, any public events etc, chances are you will see queues snaking out of Female toilets.

This is a phenomenon that is explainable. There is a mismatch between the number of "stations" available to do "business" and the time needed to do the "business" for the respective sex.

What are the possible solutions?
- convert existing some male toilets to female's for existing buildings
- ensure more female architects leading projects for new buildings

I have observed a commercial school with a significantly larger female student proportion taking the initiative to convert some male toilets. Guess who?

My colleague made this interesting remark:-
"In a golf course, you need more space for men. In a shopping centre, you need more space for women.

Golf courses have "toilet/washroom/changing room" space in the ratio of 70/30 for men to women.

So, shopping centres can consider 30/70 for men/women."

If only I were a woman... sigh...


Anonymous said...

a man can never understand the "monthly" feeling and the torture a woman needs to go through.

Anonymous said...

Being a woman means more that asserting your "toileting" rights. You can only be just a man trying to disguise as a woman. Because you can never understand a woman.

Edgar Wong said...

But it is a start.

Anonymous said...

interesting. ha :D