Monday, March 30, 2009

HDB's Lease Buy Back scheme - A cynical view

to be ready soon?

While having lunch in a coffee shop in an old neighbourhood about 2 weeks' ago, I heard this man telling his friend about the Lease Buy Back scheme.

What is Lease Buy Back (LBS) Scheme?
For a 3-room flat with a remaining lease of 65 years, the lessee can sell the tail end of the lease back to HDB ie. 35 years for:-
a) you still get to stay in your current flat for the next 30 years;
b) $5,000 lump sum payable upfront to you
c) the rest of the payout goes towards an annuity which will pay out a fixed sum of money every month.

Depending on the age and expected mortality rate of lessee, the payout could range up to $800 per month.

I thought this is great as it allows asset-rich-cash-poor people to encash part of their assets.

Guess what the man said about the monthly payout. "In 10 years' time, we may not even get a single cent of the money as the monthly payout will first go towards paying the utilities' bill !!!"

Amazing alternative view :) I must admit I didn't see that coming at that moment.

Good night.

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