Sunday, November 02, 2008

"Sing to the dawn"

who will then sit on the same chair after that dog?
the two human beings dare not look at me when i took the picture

After the leap year thingy, now we are being bombarded with singing to the dawn.

Can you remember a movie being talked over news over 2 different days over 2 different weeks?

Well this is the one...

My children have long since been convinced not to pay $10 per ticket to watch cartoon. Ha!!


Anonymous said...

While i love animals,

i do not think it is appropriate nor hygienic for pet owners to bring pets to places of food consumption.

I have aunties who kiss and share the same bed with their dogs,

that said, the same aunty who did that also have fleets of fleas in her house.

she is simply in denial that she has a basic hygiene problem, which in my control, i can only advise my mum Not to visit her house, in fear of importing her bed bugs to my home.

YES, if u are a pet owner, as much as u have the right to act cutesy with a 4 legged animal, respect the right for other humans to consume their food without sharing the space with your pets, simply because if we do not share loo space with animals, we do not expect to share food space with IT too.

Anonymous said...

I do not see why we have to fuss over the dog appearing in an eatery or sitting on that chair.

If pets/animals are deem to be dirty and contributing to loads of hygiene problems which some people thought so, we should start pointing fingers to their caregivers/owners - human beings. Afterall, the pets are taken care of by the owners isn't it? If they are well maintained, they should be as 'clean' as the 'clean' human beings who can appear in eateries and sit on those chairs!

If animals are so dirty to the extent that they shouldn't even appear in food outlets, then please... I urge all people who are ill to stay at home and far away from any place meant for food consumption. I believe they too, contribute to hygiene problems.

If anyone is so particular about cleanliness in public, bring your own chair as you never know which even dirtier person has occupied the seat before the dog.

On a side note, I have seen kids jumping up and down those chairs with their shoes on. Who then, will sit on the chair next?

Edgar Wong said...
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