Saturday, July 28, 2007
the poignant moment
Imagine you are the 70 years old lady sitting as in the picture looking at your cake while your family of husband, 1 ex-husband, 4 children, 7 grandchildren, relatives and friends singing "the happy birthday song" from the ten-table dinner that your beloved son had kindly organised.
Earlier in the day, you have to be reminded again and again by your grandchildren to prepare to go for your birthday dinner. Your beloved daughter-in-law had brought you to the hairdresser earlier in the day. You have to struggle into the few pieces of "big occassion" clothes.
During the dinner that night, you were moving from table to table, holding tightly to ang pows pushed into your hands from all directions from so-called relatives you could no longer remember where or how they got to know you.
You overheard someone talking about you. That person said you used to play mahjong at his place quite regularly. He said you refused to take taxi home despite your age and "lateness" after the mahjong session so as not to let the taxi drivers earn the few dollars from you.
Tears roll down your cheek. Is that how you want to be remembered by your friends and relatives when you pass off later to another world?
P/S - The purely fictional story above applies to both sexes.
Friday, July 27, 2007
my bowl of porridge

I had porridge for dinner just now. The heavenly taste of hot plain old porridge going down my throat, warming me against the chill of a wet Friday.
The Oasis, another old charm of Singapore, will eventually be torn down in the name of progress. I wish to enshrine a pic of its menu and a pic of the restaurant here.
Oasis is changing even as I eat.. the local and Malaysian aunties who were serving the tables have been replaced with our mainland Chinese friends.
Good bye to you.
Monday, July 23, 2007
The money of football

Mass hysteria greets the Liverpool football team when they arrived in Hong Kong last week. Tickets were rumoured to be at USD$2000 each in the black market to watch David Beckham played for 12 minutes and Chelsea, having a stroll in the park.
The success of English Premier League has created millions and millions more fans.
If each and every fan pay a dollar more a month, (which we are doing through Starhub cable subscription), ESPN and consequently the football clubs get more money to play around with.
Investors from US, Russia, even Thailand and Hong Kong see the profit potential and started buying clubs. With more money sloshing around the game, demand on performance of the team, players and managers increases.
Higher transfer fees and salaries will chase after the precious few talents capable of helping the respective clubs to win trophies!!!
From the substitute-bench-warmers to the superstars, getting salaries from GBP10,000 to GBP130,000 per WEEK, lack of patience for results will be the order of day.
About GBP90 mio has been allocated to clubs in lower divisions over 3 years to maintain a conducive base to develop young talents. That means some job security at least to some people eg. the old chap who maintains the field (or "pitch"), the young rookie cleaning up the dressing room, equipment, boots etc etc.
Therefore no matters how busy or importance a football team schedule may be, it is definitely appropriate to come over to Asia at least once a year to thank their paymasters.
For me, the new season will be starting soon. My weekend nites will be back to NORMAL again.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Fighting over water?
Yes, we have and will continue to fight over water.
I covered OIL in my last posting. Today, I will focus on WATER.
But water cannot disappear like oil after use? True. Water will transform from one form to another. So supply is constant. Great! Then no worry right? WRONG!!!!
Demand for water is increasing at alarming rate.
Where is the growth in demand coming from?
When people become richer - as millions in China are - they tend to eat more meat.
Beef needs about 10 times more water to produce than cereal crops. So more beef we eat --> we need more cattles --> we thus more living things fighting for a drink!!!
Friends, water is important. Period.
P/S - When cattles fart (which they do, like we do), it adds to the ozone depletion.
I covered OIL in my last posting. Today, I will focus on WATER.
But water cannot disappear like oil after use? True. Water will transform from one form to another. So supply is constant. Great! Then no worry right? WRONG!!!!
Demand for water is increasing at alarming rate.
Where is the growth in demand coming from?
When people become richer - as millions in China are - they tend to eat more meat.
Beef needs about 10 times more water to produce than cereal crops. So more beef we eat --> we need more cattles --> we thus more living things fighting for a drink!!!
Friends, water is important. Period.
P/S - When cattles fart (which they do, like we do), it adds to the ozone depletion.
Oil and water - the liquid gold
These two liquids are the most precious liquid resources now and forever.
As oil fields, rivers, lakes and seas do not sit comfortably inside national borders, countries have and will go to war over these resources.
As oil fields, rivers, lakes and seas do not sit comfortably inside national borders, countries have and will go to war over these resources.
For oil, what are the challenges today and what can we do for our tomorrow?
- 5.5 billions people on earth depends on oil and gas supplied from about 6 countries in the world. And these 6 countries are volatile for various reasons.
- Energy consumption and rapid climate change.
- Consequences of those who have and those who have not (the oil n gas supplies). Eg. Recently Russia threatened to shut down supply to its neighbours if the price is not met.
Solutions to slow down the problems above:-
- preach and be energy efficient
- investment in nuclear power
- investment in wind, solar and biofuel renewable energy sources
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Monday, July 16, 2007
LTA's $200,000 and the Angsana tree
Did LTA spend $200,000 on trying to keep the Angsana tree 2 years ago?
From what I heard over the radio on the 16th's morning, LTA said most of the $200,000 were spent on the structural work and was thus not wasted.
But this was not the story we heard before.
Even if we had spent to save an 80-year-old tree, I think it is fair.
The key issue is whether the monies could have been more strategically to save the tree.
Did LTA spend $200,000 on trying to keep the Angsana tree 2 years ago?
From what I heard over the radio on the 16th's morning, LTA said most of the $200,000 were spent on the structural work and was thus not wasted.
But this was not the story we heard before.
Even if we had spent to save an 80-year-old tree, I think it is fair.
The key issue is whether the monies could have been more strategically to save the tree.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
An Angsana tree got executed today!!!

An Angsana tree was chopped down today so as to make the road safer for all motorists using that part of road. Yes, LTA has avoided taking such drastic action for 2 years already. It was thus a considered decision.
But let us take a few steps back into history and re-look at this tree situation.
Who was there first? The Angsana tree or the road? I am not sure, really.
If the tree was there first, can we, the human with brains, get the road to go round and further away from a precious tree that LTA had intended to save or be kind to?
But if the tree was planted by human beings to provide shade or for beautifying the road, then the decision to remove should have been easier.
Despite all the centuries of knowledge and successes that humans have accumulated on organ transplants, we could not transplant an Angsana tree.
I am going to discuss this issue with the trees at Botanical Gardens tomorrow.
Auld lang syne. What is done, is done. It is sad.
P/S - If my old man stands in my way to success tomorrow, should I chop him down to size?
Friday, July 13, 2007
"Can u anyhow email to all to get your complaint heard?"
An officer in SAF was charged for sending a complaint to the Minister and HUNDREDs of other military personnels.
This is considered wrong under General Orders of Mindef for the following reasons ie. the email was sent to:-
- men who were mostly NOT under his command nor
- people in an official position to resolve the matter.
So what can we learn from the incident? Is it applicable to commercial complaints against a certain poor product or service?
I have encountered individuals who have gone to various organs of governments and consumer groups to seek "justice" which they deemed to have been deprived of.
This is considered wrong under General Orders of Mindef for the following reasons ie. the email was sent to:-
- men who were mostly NOT under his command nor
- people in an official position to resolve the matter.
So what can we learn from the incident? Is it applicable to commercial complaints against a certain poor product or service?
I have encountered individuals who have gone to various organs of governments and consumer groups to seek "justice" which they deemed to have been deprived of.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
My Complimentary Massage

I got a spam call from a spa offering me free message.
"How did you get my HP number?" I asked.
"From our databases or it could your friend who have referred you..."
In my mind I told myself, "If you accept, you could be in for a "time-share" pressure selling."
I accepted her invitation anyway as the address given was in Takashimaya.
On Monday night with a very tight shoulder, I strolled in just before 8pm. Greeted by receptionist, I was invited to sit down at the sofa with a cup of tea. I readied myself for the onslaught of pressure selling to sign up for packages.
Not yet. I was only asked to fill in forms to complete their database on Edgar. I filled questions about my name, contact number, sex, marital status, occupation to THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE :)...
After which, I was efficiently guided to a room for the promised 30-min massage. It was pleasantly done.
I was guided to the lounge area for another cup of tea. "Pressure selling next. Edgar be ready."
I sat there for more than 10 mins, twiddling my fingers, looking at the ceiling, looking at decor, looking at people being sold etc etc.
Finally I decided to leave. "Good bye," said the receptionist.
"Good night and thank you," I said in appreciation that I was spared!
So what happened?
Did they just give me a free massage without even trying to sell me anything?
Or did they mess up ie. incurred heavy cost of bringing Edgar to the spa without ensuring a CRO is tagged to Edgar to complete the sales process?
Only they know.
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Competition Commission of Singapore Part 2
In Jun 26, 2007, CCS, the anti-competition unit cleared Nets of the unilateral fee hike as being anti-competitive activity after the matter was raised by CASE to CCS.
Four heartland merchant associations, with about 4,000 members, have told the media that Nets has offered to charge them a lower rate, but only if they do not have other debt or credit payment facilities.
Isn't this clearly anti-competitive behaviour?
Are you experiencing of a restriction of your rights given the strength/dominance of a certain service provider in a particular market segment?
Mr Leong Sze Hian highlighted in his letter to Business Times' forum dated Jul 6, 2007 that when Microsoft did something similar by requiring vendors to not offer competitors' software, it was fined billions of dollars in several countries all over the world.
As a consumer, we have to be conscious of the development in this area before it becomes too late a few years later.
During a casual event with some CASE staff, I expressed my following views:-
Four heartland merchant associations, with about 4,000 members, have told the media that Nets has offered to charge them a lower rate, but only if they do not have other debt or credit payment facilities.
Isn't this clearly anti-competitive behaviour?
Are you experiencing of a restriction of your rights given the strength/dominance of a certain service provider in a particular market segment?
Mr Leong Sze Hian highlighted in his letter to Business Times' forum dated Jul 6, 2007 that when Microsoft did something similar by requiring vendors to not offer competitors' software, it was fined billions of dollars in several countries all over the world.
As a consumer, we have to be conscious of the development in this area before it becomes too late a few years later.
During a casual event with some CASE staff, I expressed my following views:-
- It is unhealthy to have a sole provider being overly dominant in its handling of its customers.
- On the other hand, Singapore, as a market, is just too small to support too many providers.
- These recent incidents are good at getting CCS to define / clarify their roles and responsibilities.
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Extra Caning for Prisoner?
This 20-year-old man was ERRONEOUSLY given 3 more strokes of the cane than what he was sentenced for recently.
Apparently, someone in 1998 was given 48 strokes instead of 24 strokes!!!
Excuse me!!!
Is someone keeping count of the number of strokes given to the prisoner? Is there someone to double check whether the right court order is being prescribed to the right prisoner? How many people are supposed to be present in the room to witness? Who are the people supposed to be present?
Did someone lose count of the number of strokes midway thru' the punishment? Ouch!!
Apparently, someone in 1998 was given 48 strokes instead of 24 strokes!!!
Excuse me!!!
Is someone keeping count of the number of strokes given to the prisoner? Is there someone to double check whether the right court order is being prescribed to the right prisoner? How many people are supposed to be present in the room to witness? Who are the people supposed to be present?
Did someone lose count of the number of strokes midway thru' the punishment? Ouch!!
Monday, July 02, 2007
New Spam - BEWARe of tHis CRaP!
Beware of spams with the following subjects
See your card as often as you wish during the next 15 days.
If your email software creates links to Web pages, click on your card's direct www address below while you are connected to the Internet:
Or copy and paste it into your browser's "Location" box (where Internet addresses go).
- "Steven has Tagged you!:)"
- "Your friend has sent you an eCard"
See your card as often as you wish during the next 15 days.
If your email software creates links to Web pages, click on your card's direct www address below while you are connected to the Internet:
Or copy and paste it into your browser's "Location" box (where Internet addresses go).
No free drinks for Aunties... at St. James?

The issue here is whether St. James has the right to buy drink for sweet young things ONLY but no free drinks for aunties who were Gucci.
Sad to say, they do have the right. But for courtesy sake, let the house rules be known to all to avoid unnecessary embarassment to anyone.
Sweet young things (SYTs) are deemed "honey" to attract the paying customers. As an operator of such outlet, you either have to hire SYTs as employees or just "pay" these "free lancers" or "part timers" with drinks.
Is that the blunt and brutal truth of business and reality?
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Grand Old Lady?
Who is that? The newspaper is referring to the National Stadium that will be torn down.
I wonder why the term suddenly appeared. What prompted the person to coin that term to describe the stadium?
Is it "grand" and/or is it "old" in comparison to the many other stadiums in the world? Yes there were certainly memories and yes, there were certainly significant events but is it enough? Perhaps, it is enough for many others but not for me.
I was offered tickets to attend the closing ceremony but within seconds, I have decided against going. I have decided that it was not a "moment of history" that is significant enough for me to participate in nor there were sufficient memories there for me to re-cherish for that few hours.
For most time of the year at National Stadium, there wasn't really much happening there. This is unlike some other stadiums where it is weekly or even daily happening place. They are really integrated into the lives of many. I wonder how many of the 45,000 people there yesterday, can truly say IT was part of their life.
There is this spot on the Nicoll Highway that I will try to remember to slow down to commemorate the heroic of a man (who is still buried there) who died saving a few of his men who were working in the tunnel that collapsed.
My tribute to the National Stadium.
I have spent more time at the National Stadium that any other stadiums on earth. The memories of Malaysia Cup spirit still linger in me. You were part of my growing up years. It will never be the same without you. Farewell to thee, my friend.
I wonder why the term suddenly appeared. What prompted the person to coin that term to describe the stadium?
Is it "grand" and/or is it "old" in comparison to the many other stadiums in the world? Yes there were certainly memories and yes, there were certainly significant events but is it enough? Perhaps, it is enough for many others but not for me.
I was offered tickets to attend the closing ceremony but within seconds, I have decided against going. I have decided that it was not a "moment of history" that is significant enough for me to participate in nor there were sufficient memories there for me to re-cherish for that few hours.
For most time of the year at National Stadium, there wasn't really much happening there. This is unlike some other stadiums where it is weekly or even daily happening place. They are really integrated into the lives of many. I wonder how many of the 45,000 people there yesterday, can truly say IT was part of their life.
There is this spot on the Nicoll Highway that I will try to remember to slow down to commemorate the heroic of a man (who is still buried there) who died saving a few of his men who were working in the tunnel that collapsed.
My tribute to the National Stadium.
I have spent more time at the National Stadium that any other stadiums on earth. The memories of Malaysia Cup spirit still linger in me. You were part of my growing up years. It will never be the same without you. Farewell to thee, my friend.
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