Friday, December 28, 2007
Assassination of Benazir Bhutto
I became aware of her when she expressed her intention to leave the comfort and luxuries of her UK residence to return to Pakistan in Oct 2007 to participate in the coming election.
There was an unsuccessful attempt on her life almost immediately upon her return. She was lucky at that time when she was at the opposite side of bus where the bomb went off. 104 people died that night.
She could have decided to leave but she chose to stay. For her cause, she paid with her life together with 20 over other human beings.
As a human being, I am saddened. I pray for peace on earth.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Architectures in KL
Friday, December 14, 2007
The Op
The doctor said, “Hi Edgar!” in a loud and commanding voice. Asked me briefly how I was feeling and for my I/C numbers. I couldn’t see much without my glasses as a nurse guided me to the operating table while I slowly recited my I/C numbers.
Told me to lie down.
Series of systematic instructions came in a torrent and with such ease (I guess) after thousands of such similar operations.
“Well Edgar, just a demo for you. This is what you will hear when the laser is switched on. (Then came repeated clapping sounds next to my right ear which I had heard while I was waiting outside the op room).”
“All right we will start the procedure on your right eye first. Open your eyes and look towards to the orange light.” (The nurse pasted something to keep my eyelid open and something metallic was placed on my eyeball.)
“You will feel a slight discomfort initially. Then you can see for a few moments as we create the flap. But don’t worry, you should be able to see after a short while.” (My heart was palpitating as I began to doubt my decision to subject myself to this “unnecessary” procedure that could endanger my eyesight forever.)
“All right, look at the orange light (lucky he didn’t asked me to walk towards the light) and don’t move (I was so worried that if I move a single muscle, the laser would miss and I could go blind) for the next 5 to 8 mins. We will the start the laser now.” (the clapping sound starts..)
My mind starts to wonder… then I told myself to focus on the light.. my mind started to count from 1 to 60… wondering when the 5 to 8 mins would be done…
Suddenly the clapping sound stopped. The doctor then explained to me that he would be putting back the flap and told me not to move. It felt like someone trying to stick something on a glass door and smoothening out the sticker to avoid bubbles being trapped underneath the sticker.
The same procedures and words were repeated again for my left eye.
A few minutes later, the op was completed and declared a success.
After an hour of recovering from the slight pain to both my eyes and high level of stress that my poor heart has gone through, I was duly accompanied to the taxi stand by a nurse for my ride home.
Thus this is the story of how I spent a few thousands on my eyes. The End.
Sunday, December 02, 2007
my eyes opening experience Part 1
I was duly given and told of an itinerary of eye tests, procedures, counselling sessions etc which I should expect to dedicate 2 to 3 hours of that afternoon to complete.
I was duly shown to a waiting area dedicated to 10-15 people like me at various stages of completing the itinerary. For all the various tests, I was attended to by beautiful people.
In one of the tests, the optometrist lady asked me why I looked so tired. I said I was bored. Her response, "Maybe we should put more exciting movies on the tv.... all right, can you read the third row of alphabets for me?" "... A . urr F.. D .. O and T ?"
As part of the process, clients like me are made to sit through 10 minutes of watching an educational video on Lasik to ensure that we know what we are doing.
After all the tests and video, I finally get to see the doctor. A hugh man. "Hi Edgar.. shaked hands.. and briskly ushered me to a machine and examined my eyeballs for 20 seconds flat. He then said something about my astigmatism, high degrees and mild presbyopia... in his medical opinion was for me to go for wavefront. "How much more?" I asked. "I don't discuss prices here. My staff will attend to you about this later." Duly ushered out of consultation room.
Next, group counselling session. Wow! Just to make doubly sure that e know what we have decided to go through. 6-8 of us were gathered into another room and we were given the dos, don'ts and risks etc etc.
After which, I confirmed my operation date and paid my bills. Yes, a few thousands poorer. But looking forward to the big day tomorrow.
I am a bit artificial now
What do I mean? I have decided about a week ago ie. after comtemplating for years, to get Lasik done on my eyes. My eyes have now been artificially carved by laser beams.
Why did I decide to do it?
- The dropping prices enhances affordability.
- The escalating comfort of seeing my brother and sister who did theirs and were up and running within 24 hours. I had thought one would have to suffer the temporary blindness for a couple of days.
- The short turnaround time of the whole exercise attracted me. If you decide to have Lasik done on your eyes, you could get them done by tomorrow.
- The lower prices put aside my concern about "useful life" of the Lasik op given my impending "lao hua". Sigh... :(
Till the next posting, I will share with my personal experience of going through the process.
P/S - I am now back. I was really busy focusing my every ounce of strength and attention on helping my students in their pursue of their academic excellence.
Saturday, December 01, 2007
HDB said more supply but higher prices expected

Sunday, October 21, 2007
What is happening to "prices" in our daily life?
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
farewell dinners

As for me, I will embark on my next phase of my life.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
See life clearer

The clinic has firstly an interesting punchline - "see life clearer". Well for me, should we live our life trying to see things so clearly, philosophically speaking?
Secondly, the very pleasant looking ladies on duty today were all wearing hot pants in a clinic that does not look like a medical facility at all!! If I call the piece of clothing correctly.
Thirdly, I was shown that you are able to get lasik surgery done in just a few hours ie. from the moment you decide to go for lasik. You don't to wait for a surgery appointment over weeks.
Fourthly, my brother and sister regained complete use of their eyes after a good night sleep after surgery.
Fifthly, you would be chaperoned by a very pleasant looking lady after surgery from the clinic at 15th floor (I think) to the taxi stand at ground floor. This is definitely service!
Lastly, the clinic performs 30 surgeries on a quiet day. At $2,400 per surgery for both eyes, the clinic is generating a sales turnover of $72,000 a day or about $1.44mio for 20-working-day month. WOOOOW!!!!
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
auntie n uncle shopping approach
An auntie wanted to buy ony $2 of char siew to do her fried rice at home. The stall owner said a minimum of $3 is required. After some bargaining, the auntie won. Before she left the stall, she also asked for a few packets of chilli sauce.
Uncle's ABC stout
An uncle ordered a can of ABC stout to go with his peanuts. Coffee shop assistant delivered and asked for payment of $3.80. The uncle exclaimed that it is so expensive and swore never to return. After he paid grudgingly, he turned to other patrons and earnestly reported on the prices of the same can of Stout sold at NTUC Fairprice for $3.20 and at nearby hawker centre for $3.40.
Moral of the story
Our young ones should too learn the value of money. We need to appreciate our own hard earned money and not to give them away so easily.
We have to make a fuss over paying too much for something, yes even if it is over 10cts. Unless of course, you can afford it.
Stick no Bills - Is it still a law?
Reference to my email to you dated 21 May 2007. As the problem still persists and as some of you said you could not see the above pictures, I have now placed in this blog for easy reference.
What have been done to date? For my estate, I do notice the cleaners are working extra hard in clearing the posters, stickers from the walls. But is it effectively and efficiently solving the problem?
I don't think so.
Can you suggest a solution? The offenders are blatantly placing their contact numbers for your necessary actions.
I do believe that there is light at the end of tunnel (before we got pasted out!!!!)
one family unbroken

the water that flows thru' the village
On Saturday night last, I attended the old boys' (yes, old) dinner at my alma mater.
We were all there to celebrate our boyhood lost forever. At least, I was. Some were as old as the school.. Some are very famous, or prominent, or rich, or still young etc etc. I think one came in his taxi.. For me, I guess I am pretty much in between everything. I am neither rich, famous, poor, old nor young.
One of us even came with the old school books. We were looking at the goondoo pictures of ourselves and teachers; and reminiscing about our stupid pranks, detention class, yellowed school shoes etc etc.
The most cherished moment of the nite was when my friend, of more than 20 years, related this story to me.
"My younger brother scolded my mum." he said. "Huh?" said I.
"He said my mum sent him to the wrong school, RI. She should have sent him to St. Andrew's too." he said. "Why?" said I.
His younger brother envies him for the many friends that his elder brother still have around him despite the years.
Peace overwhelmed me. Amen.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Bus fare hike, inflation and you
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Legal definitions or legal loopholes?
- It was reported in Singapore's newspapers recently that a man was caught outraging the modesty of a woman when he grabbed a woman's breasts from behind. He tried to defend himself in Court, through his lawyer, against the charge by saying that a woman's breasts are NOT private parts.
- A senator (I think) in US was charged with disorderly act in the toilet. The media's use of words to describe the act is very interesting. "He was caught in the act as what most people would generally deemed as asking for sex." (something like that la. can't remember exact quote.)
- Remember the Clinton-Lewinski saga. The government spent hours after hours debating whether to impeach Clinton on the issues of whether there was sex and secondly, define oral sex.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Punggol Paradise
We have been given a glimpse of staying in the paradise of Punggol where a river flows through with water activities in the 2 reservoirs, chilli crab dining, lush green parks etc etc etc
A few days later, we are given the nightmare of staying in Punggol.
What nightmare?
So NOW if you are going from North to town, you will get at least 4 gantries to reach office in Shenton Way. And on your way home in the evenings, you will soon have a gantry waiting for you till 10.30pm.
So by the time the Punggol Paradise is fully up in a few years' time, perhaps we may have to pass through 15 gantries!!!!
No worry Edgar, I don't drive, as you may say. You MRT type? Imagine this.
At least an hour long journey, standing in a crowded compartment all the way to office and all the way back in the evenings!
Bottomline - We need a solution.
Friday, August 24, 2007
The fake milk powder.
The fake medicine.
Sale of pigs died of diseases.
The char siew pau made of grounded cardboard.
The slaves in the brick factory.
Fake Rabit sweet.
A worldwide recall of some toys produced in China for reason of toxidity in the paint used.
China has conducted tests on soya beans imported from US. China found some contaminants in the imports and has asked US to look into it.
Are the above incidents related? Are they started by some other issues?
US has been asking China to float its currency, to open its market and toughen its anti-priracy acts.
Are the toy company and the boss who hung himself in Hong Kong part of the big picture? Or am I too imaginative?
What do you think?
Monday, August 20, 2007
Now we have "No Sugar Added"

So how about in the past when you are telling me that I am buying real fresh juice?
Have you been "poisoning" me with sugar all these years? Are you raising my addiction to sweet things with your intense concoction of sugar water?
We have been drinking these concentrated sugar-added liquid. So can I blame my obesity on you?
So friends, we really need to be aware of what you are putting into your mouth and down your throat.
P/S - I dilute my juice drink ie. half a glass of juice is diluted with another half a glass of water.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Some news bites still in my mind
The following are some interesting news I read and whatever remained of them in my head.
The first two are very sad indeed and I do hope we will spare a moment and pray for them. One was really stupid and confusing. And one was just plain bloody. And I end with one star story in a condescending tone.
- Bus accident story - Rescuers found a 3-year boy alive held tightly in the bosom of his dead mother. Her head was broken and twisted all the way to the back.
- In the same bus story - The 8-month foetus was ripped off from her mother's womb.
- The Dalvey story - A father came home. Saw the 20-something-year-old boyfriend of his 30-something-year-old daughter, coming out of his daughter's room, wearing ONLY an underwear. The young man (I think) started stabbing the father and the maid... Haiz...
- In a matter of a few weeks, the stock markets of the world went into a tailspin. About 700 points disappeared from Singapore's Straits Times Index together with billions of dollars (some of them, mine).
- To the many new "bird" investors out there, you can now placed a "STAR" on your shoulder and say, "I have experienced one stock market crash, hereby named the Sub-prime thingy."
Good night, my beloved friends and take care.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
"forwent" - a new word accepted by Straits Times?

Friday, August 10, 2007
Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori...
But this one line has stayed in my head over the years.. We were forced to memorise the lines in my secondary school days. Thus it wasn't a pleasure.
What is the meaning of the line? Well it is not something nice and thus don't go looking for the meaning.
Good night, my...
Sunday, August 05, 2007
What happened to "Till death do us part"?
Now that our mortality rate are in the average 70 plus, is marriage to anyone too long?
Can we do a trial or term marriage thingy?
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Should pregnanted Zoe be suspended without pay?
Based on my surface level understanding of her situation, she is basically a contract staff engaged to perform certain services for her client, Mediacorp.
So if you are unable to perform those services as per contract, you should not be paid. Luckily she never kena sued instead.
So if she is engaged to be "Queen of Caldecott Hill" for her image and personality, can she effectively performed that tasks given her physical state?
So it is fair to have the contract suspended (and not heartlessly cancelled) due to her pregnancy.
But if her contract provides for her to be pregnant and still get paid, and that she is not getting paid, then she should talk with the management or seek legal advice.
Similarly if the company has engaged an English teacher to brush up the English lanaguage of TV8 artistes and subsequently the teacher got "baby inside", should the company continue to pay when the teacher could not perform her duties.
My conclusion would be different if Zoe is a true blue staff of her company and that she is entitled to all staff benefits. In which case, she may wish to seek assistance from relevant government bodies.
So this is not an issue of sex discrimination. For all you know, it was just a cheeky comment from her that turned the media world upside down.
Friday, August 03, 2007
My encounter with a computer virus
- My existing anti virus from Trend Micro that is paid for, could not arrest the problem.
- The virus was finally eliminated by AVG, a FREE anti-virus software, that I downloaded from
- Some friends, who are online but have not talked to for some time, were stirred into a conversation with me. I got to thank the virus for that.
- I will be even MORE earnest in doing my backups after this incident.
buses with camera

Thursday, August 02, 2007
A date with Tad Hamilton
"How big a love are you losing?"
"If it is a small love, you will get over it in a few weeks. If it is a big love, probably a couple of years. But if it is a huge huge love, it may take forever."
Just want to share the lines with you.
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
"Thank you for waiting...

Saturday, July 28, 2007
the poignant moment
Imagine you are the 70 years old lady sitting as in the picture looking at your cake while your family of husband, 1 ex-husband, 4 children, 7 grandchildren, relatives and friends singing "the happy birthday song" from the ten-table dinner that your beloved son had kindly organised.
Earlier in the day, you have to be reminded again and again by your grandchildren to prepare to go for your birthday dinner. Your beloved daughter-in-law had brought you to the hairdresser earlier in the day. You have to struggle into the few pieces of "big occassion" clothes.
During the dinner that night, you were moving from table to table, holding tightly to ang pows pushed into your hands from all directions from so-called relatives you could no longer remember where or how they got to know you.
You overheard someone talking about you. That person said you used to play mahjong at his place quite regularly. He said you refused to take taxi home despite your age and "lateness" after the mahjong session so as not to let the taxi drivers earn the few dollars from you.
Tears roll down your cheek. Is that how you want to be remembered by your friends and relatives when you pass off later to another world?
P/S - The purely fictional story above applies to both sexes.
Friday, July 27, 2007
my bowl of porridge

Monday, July 23, 2007
The money of football

Sunday, July 22, 2007
Fighting over water?
I covered OIL in my last posting. Today, I will focus on WATER.
But water cannot disappear like oil after use? True. Water will transform from one form to another. So supply is constant. Great! Then no worry right? WRONG!!!!
Demand for water is increasing at alarming rate.
Where is the growth in demand coming from?
When people become richer - as millions in China are - they tend to eat more meat.
Beef needs about 10 times more water to produce than cereal crops. So more beef we eat --> we need more cattles --> we thus more living things fighting for a drink!!!
Friends, water is important. Period.
P/S - When cattles fart (which they do, like we do), it adds to the ozone depletion.
Oil and water - the liquid gold
As oil fields, rivers, lakes and seas do not sit comfortably inside national borders, countries have and will go to war over these resources.
For oil, what are the challenges today and what can we do for our tomorrow?
- 5.5 billions people on earth depends on oil and gas supplied from about 6 countries in the world. And these 6 countries are volatile for various reasons.
- Energy consumption and rapid climate change.
- Consequences of those who have and those who have not (the oil n gas supplies). Eg. Recently Russia threatened to shut down supply to its neighbours if the price is not met.
Solutions to slow down the problems above:-
- preach and be energy efficient
- investment in nuclear power
- investment in wind, solar and biofuel renewable energy sources
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Monday, July 16, 2007
LTA's $200,000 and the Angsana tree
Did LTA spend $200,000 on trying to keep the Angsana tree 2 years ago?
From what I heard over the radio on the 16th's morning, LTA said most of the $200,000 were spent on the structural work and was thus not wasted.
But this was not the story we heard before.
Even if we had spent to save an 80-year-old tree, I think it is fair.
The key issue is whether the monies could have been more strategically to save the tree.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
An Angsana tree got executed today!!!

Friday, July 13, 2007
"Can u anyhow email to all to get your complaint heard?"
This is considered wrong under General Orders of Mindef for the following reasons ie. the email was sent to:-
- men who were mostly NOT under his command nor
- people in an official position to resolve the matter.
So what can we learn from the incident? Is it applicable to commercial complaints against a certain poor product or service?
I have encountered individuals who have gone to various organs of governments and consumer groups to seek "justice" which they deemed to have been deprived of.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
My Complimentary Massage

Sunday, July 08, 2007
Competition Commission of Singapore Part 2
Four heartland merchant associations, with about 4,000 members, have told the media that Nets has offered to charge them a lower rate, but only if they do not have other debt or credit payment facilities.
Isn't this clearly anti-competitive behaviour?
Are you experiencing of a restriction of your rights given the strength/dominance of a certain service provider in a particular market segment?
Mr Leong Sze Hian highlighted in his letter to Business Times' forum dated Jul 6, 2007 that when Microsoft did something similar by requiring vendors to not offer competitors' software, it was fined billions of dollars in several countries all over the world.
As a consumer, we have to be conscious of the development in this area before it becomes too late a few years later.
During a casual event with some CASE staff, I expressed my following views:-
- It is unhealthy to have a sole provider being overly dominant in its handling of its customers.
- On the other hand, Singapore, as a market, is just too small to support too many providers.
- These recent incidents are good at getting CCS to define / clarify their roles and responsibilities.
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Extra Caning for Prisoner?
Apparently, someone in 1998 was given 48 strokes instead of 24 strokes!!!
Excuse me!!!
Is someone keeping count of the number of strokes given to the prisoner? Is there someone to double check whether the right court order is being prescribed to the right prisoner? How many people are supposed to be present in the room to witness? Who are the people supposed to be present?
Did someone lose count of the number of strokes midway thru' the punishment? Ouch!!
Monday, July 02, 2007
New Spam - BEWARe of tHis CRaP!
- "Steven has Tagged you!:)"
- "Your friend has sent you an eCard"
See your card as often as you wish during the next 15 days.
If your email software creates links to Web pages, click on your card's direct www address below while you are connected to the Internet:
Or copy and paste it into your browser's "Location" box (where Internet addresses go).
No free drinks for Aunties... at St. James?

Sunday, July 01, 2007
Grand Old Lady?
I wonder why the term suddenly appeared. What prompted the person to coin that term to describe the stadium?
Is it "grand" and/or is it "old" in comparison to the many other stadiums in the world? Yes there were certainly memories and yes, there were certainly significant events but is it enough? Perhaps, it is enough for many others but not for me.
I was offered tickets to attend the closing ceremony but within seconds, I have decided against going. I have decided that it was not a "moment of history" that is significant enough for me to participate in nor there were sufficient memories there for me to re-cherish for that few hours.
For most time of the year at National Stadium, there wasn't really much happening there. This is unlike some other stadiums where it is weekly or even daily happening place. They are really integrated into the lives of many. I wonder how many of the 45,000 people there yesterday, can truly say IT was part of their life.
There is this spot on the Nicoll Highway that I will try to remember to slow down to commemorate the heroic of a man (who is still buried there) who died saving a few of his men who were working in the tunnel that collapsed.
My tribute to the National Stadium.
I have spent more time at the National Stadium that any other stadiums on earth. The memories of Malaysia Cup spirit still linger in me. You were part of my growing up years. It will never be the same without you. Farewell to thee, my friend.
Friday, June 22, 2007
AWARE 130-page Report
Recently they completed this Report with the following key recommendations. My views are, of course, attached :)
- Amend the Constitution to include a provision that no one will be discriminated against on the grounds of gender and marital status.
- Set up a body that promotes gender equality.
- Promote more flexible work arrangements to help more women.
- Need for legislation on sexual harassment.
- Taskforce to oversee interest of foreign women.
- Strengthen laws to ensure women are not fired during pregnancy.
- System to prevent human trafficking.
[I think this is fair as AWARE is referrring to human and not woman trafficking.]
- CASE should play an active role in opposing the perpetuation of gender stereotypes in the media.
Monday, June 18, 2007
My DBS Platinum Cards
This is based on the last credit card statement I just received.
For my platinum card, I spent $668.17 and I got 132 points. It looks like I am getting 1 point for $5 spent.
More importantly, what is the $ value per 1 point that I am getting from DBS Bank?
Take for example - For a $100 CYC voucher, I need to get 3,500 points.
Thus each point is valued at $0.029 or 2.9 cents.
DBS is effectively giving 2.9 cents for every $5 you spent ie. 0.58%.
Hmmm.. it does not sound like a good deal at all. But as I have been a single-hearted loyal customer of DBS Bank credit cards, I really don't know what other banks are giving for every $1 spent on their cards.
Can tell me which banks give you a better deal?
I really don't feel very platinum right now... haizzzz
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
My first time - episode 2 :)

Aesop complained to Multiply immediately with a simple click on the screen. Ermm... apparently there must be a lot of people going round using other people's identity to do something silly. I too lodged my complaint to Multiply for violating my rights.
Aesop and the good people at - Thanks for your cooperation in resolving this issue so quickly.
Competition Commission of Singapore
Among other responsibilities, it reviews anti-competitive activities in Singapore. In more human language, it is made up of a group of people with the responsibility of deciding whether a business has used its sizeable market share or monopolistic position to take advantage of its customers.
If I am not wrong, it is part of the requirement for Singapore to comply under Free Trade Agreement FTA signed with US.
Should Starhub, being a sole provider of cable tv services in Singapore, be called upon to answer for raising prices on its various cable packages?
Example - Imagine you signed up for 24-month contract for cable tv package at a price $60 per month. You got a 29-inch tv for a gift. So happy right? Then a few weeks later, you were informed of the impending price increase to $70 per monthShould you wish to stop the service before the expiry of 24 months, you are required to pay a penalty.
On the other hand, apparently the said 24-month contract allows the service provider to increase its price to whatever level it sees fit. You have no say at all but to pay till the end of term.
Why would one enter into a contract where one party can do nothing to change the terms and the other party can vary the terms and conditions?
Is this fair?
Should CCS should look into the following incidents too?
- SingPost's postage rate hike from July 1
- Nets fee increase on merchants using its payment gateway
Monday, June 11, 2007
My first time - episode 1 :)

"Your Friend Aesop has invited you to be his contact on Multiply.
Multiply is a web site that makes it easy to share photos, blogs, videos and more with the people you know. Aesop is using Multiply to keep in touch with friends and family and she wants to include you.
Accept Aesop's invitation or learn more about Multiply:
Personal message from Aesop:
Check out my Blog... Its "Everything with Aesop". I have so far "Nonense with Aesop; Business with Aesop; Politics with Aesop; Comics with Aesop". Enjoy your time there and Have great fun!"
"I confess"
Yes I am also adding pressures to the pockets of my customers.
Starhub will get more $ from me!
Sigh!! More pressure on our pockets.
In return, Starhub wants to show its magnanimity by giving you 2 FREE channels ie. the History channel and Crime & Investigation.
Hello? Are we getting more time, more eyes, more brains to process what we see per person to watch the additional 2 channels!!!
The reality is someone must put a stop to these spiralling price increases that we are experiencing now from left, right, behind and centre of us.
Friday, June 01, 2007
Digital Age and changing business models
In today's Straits Times, it is reported that the sales of music through the CD stores have plummeted from $60mio in 2003 to $36mio in 2006 due to Digital Age. Big CD retail stores are on a retreat.
Couple of years ago when CD-rom writer technology was first introduced, my friend was thinking of setting a chain of PC stations where you could choose your own songs and burn your own CD compilation. You may laugh at the idea now but back then, it was a logical idea to challenge the capital-intensive big CD retail stores. We decided against proceeding as we got a feel that songs, like any files, can be downloaded over internet.
That reality has long arrived.
Will the same or is the same happening now to book stores?
I am reading both paper-based printed books and PDF-formatted digital books on my handphone. One more medium - I am also listening to audio books.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Position available - World Bank President
Beside the usual requirements, the following are additional criteria from my observation.
- You must have "z" in your surname. [The soon-to-be-last president is Mr Wolfowitz. The current candidate is Mr Zoellick.]
- You must promise not to promote your girlfriend / boyfriend using your position.
Cycling on footpaths is ILLEGAL