Continue what?????
Urban Development Authority (URA) has extended the expiry date by 3 months till Dec 2008.
Developers can now have another 3 months to submit building plans where some of floor areas, sold to you at thousands of dollars per square feet, are actually for window and planter boxes.
Now - The floor areas for window and planter boxes are not accounted officially to URA under the permitted Gross Floor Area. But the developers, with the help of architects, are able to carve out these small areas and sell them to homebuyers as part of total floor areas mentioned in the sales brochures. So mathematically speaking, total saleable areas could be higher than the permitted Gross Floor Area for the development ie. more $ for the developers.
The future to come - URA will require the developers to include such areas as part total Gross Floor Area computation.
Have you ever wonder why your 1,400-sq-ft condo unit looks smaller than 1,400 sq ft you paid for?
The answer - Look at the potted plants at the windows!!!