Sunday, October 21, 2007
What is happening to "prices" in our daily life?
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
farewell dinners

As for me, I will embark on my next phase of my life.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
See life clearer

The clinic has firstly an interesting punchline - "see life clearer". Well for me, should we live our life trying to see things so clearly, philosophically speaking?
Secondly, the very pleasant looking ladies on duty today were all wearing hot pants in a clinic that does not look like a medical facility at all!! If I call the piece of clothing correctly.
Thirdly, I was shown that you are able to get lasik surgery done in just a few hours ie. from the moment you decide to go for lasik. You don't to wait for a surgery appointment over weeks.
Fourthly, my brother and sister regained complete use of their eyes after a good night sleep after surgery.
Fifthly, you would be chaperoned by a very pleasant looking lady after surgery from the clinic at 15th floor (I think) to the taxi stand at ground floor. This is definitely service!
Lastly, the clinic performs 30 surgeries on a quiet day. At $2,400 per surgery for both eyes, the clinic is generating a sales turnover of $72,000 a day or about $1.44mio for 20-working-day month. WOOOOW!!!!
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
auntie n uncle shopping approach
An auntie wanted to buy ony $2 of char siew to do her fried rice at home. The stall owner said a minimum of $3 is required. After some bargaining, the auntie won. Before she left the stall, she also asked for a few packets of chilli sauce.
Uncle's ABC stout
An uncle ordered a can of ABC stout to go with his peanuts. Coffee shop assistant delivered and asked for payment of $3.80. The uncle exclaimed that it is so expensive and swore never to return. After he paid grudgingly, he turned to other patrons and earnestly reported on the prices of the same can of Stout sold at NTUC Fairprice for $3.20 and at nearby hawker centre for $3.40.
Moral of the story
Our young ones should too learn the value of money. We need to appreciate our own hard earned money and not to give them away so easily.
We have to make a fuss over paying too much for something, yes even if it is over 10cts. Unless of course, you can afford it.
Stick no Bills - Is it still a law?
Reference to my email to you dated 21 May 2007. As the problem still persists and as some of you said you could not see the above pictures, I have now placed in this blog for easy reference.
What have been done to date? For my estate, I do notice the cleaners are working extra hard in clearing the posters, stickers from the walls. But is it effectively and efficiently solving the problem?
I don't think so.
Can you suggest a solution? The offenders are blatantly placing their contact numbers for your necessary actions.
I do believe that there is light at the end of tunnel (before we got pasted out!!!!)
one family unbroken

the water that flows thru' the village
On Saturday night last, I attended the old boys' (yes, old) dinner at my alma mater.
We were all there to celebrate our boyhood lost forever. At least, I was. Some were as old as the school.. Some are very famous, or prominent, or rich, or still young etc etc. I think one came in his taxi.. For me, I guess I am pretty much in between everything. I am neither rich, famous, poor, old nor young.
One of us even came with the old school books. We were looking at the goondoo pictures of ourselves and teachers; and reminiscing about our stupid pranks, detention class, yellowed school shoes etc etc.
The most cherished moment of the nite was when my friend, of more than 20 years, related this story to me.
"My younger brother scolded my mum." he said. "Huh?" said I.
"He said my mum sent him to the wrong school, RI. She should have sent him to St. Andrew's too." he said. "Why?" said I.
His younger brother envies him for the many friends that his elder brother still have around him despite the years.
Peace overwhelmed me. Amen.